Thursday, January 14, 2016

UGH paying for college sucks

"Can't wait to be in debt for the rest of my life." -senior

I overheard this while in the cave study a few days ago. This is the quote that stuck with me this week because it's getting to that time where we're finding out what colleges we got into and which ones we didn't and now we have to start looking at the financial aspects of it. No one wants to be in debt for their whole lives, (I mean obviously no one wants debt) but that's really the reality of college these days.

Unless you have a ton of money, or get a full ride to a school, most colleges will leave us in debt. And that fact SUCKSSSS!!!!! Like if I don't go to college and just try to get a job right out of high school
1- the job probably won't be the best paying job (unless you get lucky)
2- no one really wants to hire you without some sort of college degree and
3- you're told your whole life you need to go to college or you won't make anything or yourself.

I could address how absolutely absurd these three facts are but then I'd stray too far from my main point. As seventeen and eighteen year olds we know that our best shot in the real world will only happen with the help of college, and so we go to college.

Now you can't just go to any college, most people want to go to schools that are well known, and that have a really good reputation. These schools (for the most part) are very expensive, and are also very competitive, so it's hard to get a full ride or a substantial amount of money.

I just want to live in a world where I can go to college and do what I want to do and not have to worry about never being able to pay off my debt. Is that really too much to ask for??

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


¨School´s not over, you can´t check out yet." -Teacher

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I´ve been checked out since the end of junior year. Like do teachers really expect us to stay focused and care, even as our college acceptances begin to flow in and we decide where we are going. Like they are really funny, once I know where I´m going to college I´m done with school 100 percent. There is no reason to force work upon us until the end of May. Like it´s just cruel.

I don´t get how they don´t understand the concept like if you don´t give us work then that means you don´t have to grade it which means you get to relax more too. Who wouldn´t  want that?

But most of all, I´ve heard this lecture from a multitude of teachers telling all their seniors that they really need to stay focused and try their hardest. Like you lecturing just makes me want to be done even more, so by you lecturing me, I will pay less attention in class. Please don´t lecture us, none of us care, we really don´t. And the ones who do care are the ones who are gunna try anyway. Like your lecture is not helping anyone.


¨People really need to learn how to walk." - anonymous

     This quote I think is the most relevent quote to high school. I heard this while walking in the halls by someone who I don´t know. However I have heard this as well as thought it and said it many times before.
     Some people do not understand the concept of putting one foot in front of the other and moving. Like I really didn´t think it was that hard, but apparently I was wrong.
     People think it´s okay to stop in the middle of the hall and yell to their friends. NOPE! Just stop, and keep walking. We live in the 21st century, we all have a cell phone, just text your friend. Everyone´s on their phone all the time in school anyway so I promise your friend will get it.
     Also some people will just stop. Like just stop in front of you, for no reason, then when I bump into them, they get mad. Like what?
     Then you also have those people that walk at a snails pace down the hall, in the middle of the hallway so you can get round them. Like I don´t care about being to class on time but if I walk this slow I´m gunna fall asleep.
    And of course we can´t forget the speed demons. The ones who push and shove you to the side as they sprint to get to class. Like chill, no teacher actually cares if you are a second late.

The funny thing is is that the majority of people at this school have at one time or another been one of the above. But we still complain about it.