Thursday, December 17, 2015


"What if they don't accept me?" -Senior

     So recently a lot of people have been getting accepted into colleges, and finding out where they are going, and a lot of people have not. This quote was said by one of my friends while we were in International Relations obviously not focused on whatever we were supposed to be doing. Now this senior's top school is a reach school, a school that there is a good chance she will not get into.
     I think this is what is going on in a lot of senior's minds right now. Even if your top school isn't a reach you're still anxious wondering whether you'll get in or not. Even if that school was a safety that you know you'll get in you still have anxiety.
     I just wanted to address this quote today because it is so prevalent to right now. I hear discussions about college acceptances and applying to college every single day in almost all of my classes. Everyone is stressed about college, and you can't say you're not. (Unless you're not applying)
     Just waiting for a letter telling you whether you have been accepted or rejected is probably one of the most stressful things that we have to go through this year. Seeing people post their acceptances on snapchat, Instagram, twitter, the cave wall, and outside guidance only adds that pressure to you that you need to get into somewhere. But I just wanted to say that you'll get in somewhere. It might not be your top pick, but it'll still be a good school, you'll still learn. But the best part of everything, and something I think people are too stressed to even really celebrate right now, we only have five months left. Not even that if you count the breaks and the snow days (that we'll hopefully get) WE'RE ALMOST DONE!!!!!


  1. Five months?! I'm terrified of college, just like you said, some of people's schools are reaches. It brought me a down finding out someone else got into my #1 choice. How exactly are you doing with your college stuff?

  2. BUT WHAT IF I DONT GET INTO A COLLEGE?????????????????? (she says as she got accepted to two colleges already) ..... Five months is soooooooooooooo long though

  3. I'm crying because I haven't even finished my portfolio for my two colleges I am applying to ;_; #Procrastination2015
