Thursday, December 3, 2015

Is it Graduation Yet?

"Yo sign me out of high school already!!" -anonymous

I overheard this while in study the other day and I couldn't agree more. While high school does have some perks, like allowing us to spend time with friends and do sports and clubs, it also has its downsides. For example the work. Now senior year is probably the best year because you get to chose all of your classes, so if you hate a class you really have no one to blame but yourself. But, at least for me, I enjoy all of my classes (except calc) and do not mind the work that is given.

Even though all the above is true, I could not agree more with the senior that said the quote. After spirit day, i just can't deal with school anymore. Especially after receiving my first college acceptance, I just don't care anymore. I just want to be out, to be graduated.

Adults will say not to wish your high school career away because they are the best years of your life but sometimes you just can't help but wish it was all over so you can go someplace new, meet new people, try new things.

So, when I heard this quote I immediately thought SAME!!!! 


  1. I'm still half asleep from waking up before sunrise to come here this morning. Yeah, I want to get out too.

    1. I swear the story of a high schoolers life is "I'm tired" all day, every day. Why do we have to wake up before the sun????

  2. SAAAAAMMME! But for me, it's more like I want to have the freedom of college and a less structured environment like highschool. Also, I want all the free time for extracirriculars and watching all my TV shows

  3. I couldn't agree more with this post. I can relate completely. I'm just counting down the days to graduation.

  4. I feel you, I literally checked out of school in September.

    1. I don't think I was ever checked into school this year HAHA!

  5. My life. Im so done with waking up early every morning. Im done with all the ridiculous work. I love seeing the homies all the time, but Im in need of a vacation so bad. Christmas break needs another week added on cause this is too much.

    1. Bring on the Snow days!!! We don't have to make them up this year!

  6. I can't agree, school is pretty great, no matter what you think of it now. When you're out of school, you'll miss it, up until college that is.

  7. The funniest thing is that we all have this mutual feeling no whatever where we are on this student spectrum. Even the really smart kids want high school to end, even the seemingly popular kids want high school to end, and especially the kids who hated high school since day 1 can't wait for it to end. However I can't help but see people with conflict feelings during this time as they are also scared of the unknown. They know what's supposed to happen next, but they don't know exactly what will. At least with high school, you had a an idea of what to expect day to day but the real world is nothing but surprises. Overall, most of us want high school to be over eventually but I can see that some people are glad that their adult lives haven't quite begun yet.

    1. Completely agree! I'm so done with high school but I also don't know what the future will hold for me. I think almost every senior is worried about what they are going to do with their life once they graduate.

  8. We can see our friends when we graduate and I couldnt care less about not having the sports or clubs you mentioned. Im very ready to be done and out six years in this building is too much. Couldnt agree more
