Thursday, January 14, 2016

UGH paying for college sucks

"Can't wait to be in debt for the rest of my life." -senior

I overheard this while in the cave study a few days ago. This is the quote that stuck with me this week because it's getting to that time where we're finding out what colleges we got into and which ones we didn't and now we have to start looking at the financial aspects of it. No one wants to be in debt for their whole lives, (I mean obviously no one wants debt) but that's really the reality of college these days.

Unless you have a ton of money, or get a full ride to a school, most colleges will leave us in debt. And that fact SUCKSSSS!!!!! Like if I don't go to college and just try to get a job right out of high school
1- the job probably won't be the best paying job (unless you get lucky)
2- no one really wants to hire you without some sort of college degree and
3- you're told your whole life you need to go to college or you won't make anything or yourself.

I could address how absolutely absurd these three facts are but then I'd stray too far from my main point. As seventeen and eighteen year olds we know that our best shot in the real world will only happen with the help of college, and so we go to college.

Now you can't just go to any college, most people want to go to schools that are well known, and that have a really good reputation. These schools (for the most part) are very expensive, and are also very competitive, so it's hard to get a full ride or a substantial amount of money.

I just want to live in a world where I can go to college and do what I want to do and not have to worry about never being able to pay off my debt. Is that really too much to ask for??

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


¨School´s not over, you can´t check out yet." -Teacher

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I´ve been checked out since the end of junior year. Like do teachers really expect us to stay focused and care, even as our college acceptances begin to flow in and we decide where we are going. Like they are really funny, once I know where I´m going to college I´m done with school 100 percent. There is no reason to force work upon us until the end of May. Like it´s just cruel.

I don´t get how they don´t understand the concept like if you don´t give us work then that means you don´t have to grade it which means you get to relax more too. Who wouldn´t  want that?

But most of all, I´ve heard this lecture from a multitude of teachers telling all their seniors that they really need to stay focused and try their hardest. Like you lecturing just makes me want to be done even more, so by you lecturing me, I will pay less attention in class. Please don´t lecture us, none of us care, we really don´t. And the ones who do care are the ones who are gunna try anyway. Like your lecture is not helping anyone.


¨People really need to learn how to walk." - anonymous

     This quote I think is the most relevent quote to high school. I heard this while walking in the halls by someone who I don´t know. However I have heard this as well as thought it and said it many times before.
     Some people do not understand the concept of putting one foot in front of the other and moving. Like I really didn´t think it was that hard, but apparently I was wrong.
     People think it´s okay to stop in the middle of the hall and yell to their friends. NOPE! Just stop, and keep walking. We live in the 21st century, we all have a cell phone, just text your friend. Everyone´s on their phone all the time in school anyway so I promise your friend will get it.
     Also some people will just stop. Like just stop in front of you, for no reason, then when I bump into them, they get mad. Like what?
     Then you also have those people that walk at a snails pace down the hall, in the middle of the hallway so you can get round them. Like I don´t care about being to class on time but if I walk this slow I´m gunna fall asleep.
    And of course we can´t forget the speed demons. The ones who push and shove you to the side as they sprint to get to class. Like chill, no teacher actually cares if you are a second late.

The funny thing is is that the majority of people at this school have at one time or another been one of the above. But we still complain about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


"What if they don't accept me?" -Senior

     So recently a lot of people have been getting accepted into colleges, and finding out where they are going, and a lot of people have not. This quote was said by one of my friends while we were in International Relations obviously not focused on whatever we were supposed to be doing. Now this senior's top school is a reach school, a school that there is a good chance she will not get into.
     I think this is what is going on in a lot of senior's minds right now. Even if your top school isn't a reach you're still anxious wondering whether you'll get in or not. Even if that school was a safety that you know you'll get in you still have anxiety.
     I just wanted to address this quote today because it is so prevalent to right now. I hear discussions about college acceptances and applying to college every single day in almost all of my classes. Everyone is stressed about college, and you can't say you're not. (Unless you're not applying)
     Just waiting for a letter telling you whether you have been accepted or rejected is probably one of the most stressful things that we have to go through this year. Seeing people post their acceptances on snapchat, Instagram, twitter, the cave wall, and outside guidance only adds that pressure to you that you need to get into somewhere. But I just wanted to say that you'll get in somewhere. It might not be your top pick, but it'll still be a good school, you'll still learn. But the best part of everything, and something I think people are too stressed to even really celebrate right now, we only have five months left. Not even that if you count the breaks and the snow days (that we'll hopefully get) WE'RE ALMOST DONE!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

You Don't Actually Know Them

"I've heard of him, but I don't know him." - Some sixie or eight grader.

     This really grabbed my attention because I have said this before as well. I know of some people, as in I've heard their name, I've heard what they look like, and I've heard the things they do, but I've never actually seen the person in real life.
     I'm sure everyone feels like this about someone. Everyone tells rumors about everyone, there no point in denying it. And these rumors spread like wildfire, soon everyone knows. Through this we learn things about people we've never actually seen with our own eyes.
    Now some people understand that everything they hear might not be true, but other believe everything they hear and so they have this idea of a person that they've never even met. They think they know who this person is even though they've never had a conversation with said person.
      Even the people who understand everything they hear ins't true already have a preconceived idea of who other people are. We may never see that person in our whole lives, but we think we know who they are because of everything we've heard about them.

This quote stuck with me because it was someone saying, or admitting, that they know of a person (because of what they've heard) but they do not actually know anything about the person. Some people, when asked if they knew someone they had only ever heard about would just reply yes. But I think it is important to set this distinction, so we are not sharing false information about people who's we've never even seen.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Is it Graduation Yet?

"Yo sign me out of high school already!!" -anonymous

I overheard this while in study the other day and I couldn't agree more. While high school does have some perks, like allowing us to spend time with friends and do sports and clubs, it also has its downsides. For example the work. Now senior year is probably the best year because you get to chose all of your classes, so if you hate a class you really have no one to blame but yourself. But, at least for me, I enjoy all of my classes (except calc) and do not mind the work that is given.

Even though all the above is true, I could not agree more with the senior that said the quote. After spirit day, i just can't deal with school anymore. Especially after receiving my first college acceptance, I just don't care anymore. I just want to be out, to be graduated.

Adults will say not to wish your high school career away because they are the best years of your life but sometimes you just can't help but wish it was all over so you can go someplace new, meet new people, try new things.

So, when I heard this quote I immediately thought SAME!!!! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


"Seniors are retarded, they go way too hard" -anonymous

     Okay so in honor of tomorrow being my last spirit day ever at this school I'd like to share something that I thought would be appropriate, and this is something I overheard today.
     The above quote I heard when I was walking in the halls to my third period class. It was said by a junior whom I do know the name of but am not going to share. Let me give you a little bit of background in case you don't know......
the class of 2016 has always gone full out, we always have school spirit and rep our class (for the majority of people). And this Tuesday was the yearly color wars, the day when each class is assigned a color and you wear your color to rep your class. Now the seniors clearly won because we went the most full out (but that's beside the point). Do some of us look ridiculous? YES!! I'd say the majority of us look absolutely crazy! But the thing is WHO CARES???!!!
     We are having pride for our class, we want to have fun, and feel united as a class. What is so "retarded" about that? We want to celebrate this being our last year ever being able to create memories with these people as well as within this school. We will never live through color wars, or spirit day with each other again, and you're saying it's a bad thing we want to come together to show that we are one class, and we are proud of it (no matter how much we say we aren't)
     We go hard because we want to have fun, we want to make the most memories we can. When we look back on our final school spirit week we'll have memories of the cafe and hallways being flooded with red, the memories of teachers giving us strange expressions and laughing with us because of how crazy we look. We'll have memories that will stay with us forever, and what will the junior have that said the seniors "go way too hard", nothing. You won't have any pictures or memories. All you will know is that it was another day of school. I don't see the problem with wanting to have fun, and wanting to make memories. I don't see the problem of showing that we are seniors and we are more than happy that we made it to this point.
     Sorry that your class doesn't have as much fun as ours, sorry you aren't as united, sorry that you don't feel as though you should make memories. That's your problem, not ours. So don't go calling our class retarded.

Side-note : the things I said were not aimed at all underclassmen and juniors because I know some of you have a lot of class pride, and you do understand why the seniors are going full out. My rant was aimed at the junior who made the ignorant comment as well as those who agree with said junior.